Saturday, December 12, 2009


Hey so I haven't updated this in a while. That four chord sonata turned out to be more philip glassy and less classical then I expected. Its one of those works I love to listen to but I don't think anyone else will, haha. Kinda repetitive with one violin soloing endlessly over other chordal harmonies that are consistently repeating. A couple fruits came out of this discordant apple tree though- a basic fughetta, interesting "avant-garde" chord progressions with an "avant-garde" violin solo that I'm proud of. And, ironically, its not in strict sonata form as all three pieces pretty much maintain the same speed. The second movement is in the dominant though, so hey, I tried. If I can get a decent sounding midi version up, I'll post it.
The guitar concerto was fruitless- I'm way too early in the game to even be thinking of writing something like that. The idea is cool though. Right now trying to finish a piano sonata, which will take a long time if it's going to be halfway decent, and I'm going to keep myself from going crazy by writing short, simple, piano pieces.
I can't guarantee I'm ever going to update again, but who knows?

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